Nachgefragt… bei Mike von Lay It On The Line

LAY IT ON THE LINE sind ein Hardcore Quartett aus dem Süden Englands. Mit A Prelude to the Process (Aaahh! Real Records) kommen sie Ende Mai auf Tour unter anderem auch nach Deutschland. Wir haben mal Nachgefragt…


I am…
Mike – vocalist for Lay It On The Line

I would never ever…
Drink wine. Eat animal products. Work in an office again.

I would instantly…
Buy a beer the moment I ever enter Germany, just because it tastes so much better over there.

In my next life…
I hope that my life this time around has affected my Karma.

If only I had known…
How pointless most things in life are for the first 25 years of my life. I wouldn’t have wasted so much time on effort on so much pointless shit.

It is long overdue…
That Ignite release a new album.

Sex, Drugs & Rock’n’Roll…
Without the drugs these days.

The first record in my collection…
Was Def Leppard :/ But the 2nd was Iron Maiden’s ‚Killers‘

A band worth seeing live…
Us, obviously. But our friends in Random Hand – before they split up at the end of the year.

A band I would have loved to see…
Ah fucking loads of them. I would have loved to have seen Go It Alone though maybe most of all…

The best show we ever played…
Was in Hamburg – at 4am. It was fucking insane. We were probably the most sober people left there.

The worst show we ever played…
Ah fuck man. A few of the UK ones when we started out. Noone fucking came.

The best thing in our band history…
Me, of course. No, probably our attitude – taking everything in good humour and not too seriously.

The worst thing in our band history…
Our 2nd EP. I really hate the production and playing. It was rushed. 2013 was a tough year, definitely.

Looking back…
It’s only been 3 years since we started up in a practice room. Not much to look back on yet…

In 10 years…
We’ll probably have a different lineup but still pedalling the same shit…


Dieser Beitrag wurde am von Fabian veröffentlicht • Kategorie: Interviews • Tags:

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