Tag "P.O. Box"

10 Jahre Long Beach Records Europe: THE PROSECUTION, THE TiPS, P.O.BOX und NH3

Am 28. Oktober 2016 feiert Long Beach Records Europe im Münchener STROM seinen 10 jährigen Geburtstag! Live mit dabei sind: THE PROSECUTION, THE TiPS, P.O.BOX und NH3 – mehr Ska-Punk-Reggae-Rock wird es an einem Abend in der ganzen Republik nicht geben! » Weiterlesen

Im Gespräch: P.O. Box

In February you released your third full length record F#RT#R. Anything special to tell about it?
Sébastien (Voc):
Yeah! I don’t think there’s anything special with F#RTH#R compared to our former records but as usual we tried not to record music only but made a whole thing, we spent a lot of time for the artwork and the lyrics, the song titles, the running list, everything is very important to us but we did that for all our records. The only difference might be, that it took us a long time, we started writing the album a whole year ago and we also had sort of a motto, it was back to the basics. Before F#RTH#R we released the EP Detour(s), which was sort of special, there were three really aggressive songs and three very slow songs in a way. The idea was like let’s forget about anything extra, let’s focus on the real punk-ska that we used to make. That’s the important thing about this album, it took us a whole year, it was back to the basics. And as always we didn’t just want to have a cd or vinyl with just songs on it and that’s it because everybody can have that on the internet and that’s allright. When you create a whole object, when you want to create something, that’s different to the CDs you usually get in shops or I like the mass media things, you’ll reach people who are interested in our lyrics and our ideas.

And about the liner notes, if you have the lyrics only people will read the lyrics and say okay , but if you have some explanations like websites about it, it will lead people to think. When we started the band 13 years ago, we had a song calld Education is Our Weapon. That’s why we have about two or three lines explaining what we want to say with our lyrics.
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„If I can’t dance, it’s not my revolution!“ – Anna Goldman

5 Jahre nach der Letzten LP InBetweenTheLines und 3 Jahre nach der EP Detour(s) gibt es mit F#RTH#R wieder was neues von P.O. BOX aus Nancy/Frankreich. Hier gibt es Skapunk mit einem ordentlichen Melodic Hardcore Einschlag und (für französische Bands eher ungewöhnlich) englischen Texten auf die Ohren. Die 6 sympathischen Herren sind mittlerweile auch viel herumgekommen, haben 2011 ihr 500stes Konzert gespielt, und neben Support Shows für Against Me!, NoFX, RX Bandits und Mad Caddies auch so ziemlich die halbe Welt betourt.

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