Nachgefragt… bei Phil von den Octaves

Die Octaves bestehen aus fünf Veteranen der nordöstlichen US-Hardcore-Szene. Die Jungs sind seit 2008 unterwegs und machen derzeit mit ihrem Album Which Way The Wind Blows die Bühnen Unsicher. Sänger Phil Fosler stand uns für Nachgefragt… zur Verfügung – und da können wir alle noch richtig was lernen. Zum Beispiel wie gesunder Optimismus aussieht.

I am…
Smellin’ like a rose that somebody gave me.. But hey, my name is Phil!

I would never ever…
Grow up.

I would instantly…
Get older.

In my next life…
I’m not doin’ this shit again.

If only I had known…
That I’d spill that beer in the van while wrestling with Shane… I might have opened two beers.

It is long overdue…
That our new fucking album came out.

Sex, Drugs & Rock’n’Roll…
I’ll take two please.

The first record in my collection…
Was Cursive’s Ugly Organ if we are talking vinyl, if not then bad hair day by Weird Al.

A band worth seeing live…
Flaming Lips… Seriously.

A band I would have loved to see…
American Nightmare.

The best show we ever played…
Was with La Dispute and Touché Amore at our friends house (Miracle on 34th) a while back. Obviously the cops came.

The worst show we ever played…
As long as a human is taking time out of their life to watch us bang on pieces of wood its worth our time.

The best thing in our band history…
Changes with every tour, but if I had to pick thus far I’d have to say the time we stayed with a Rod Stewart impersonator and raged with him through out the night. Nearly Rod 4 Lyfe.

The worst thing in our band history…
Consist of a bottle of Jameson, a homeless guy named Rufus, and a hell of a lot of regret.

Looking back…
We should have let him live.

In 10 years…
We’ll all be dead.. Or enslaved.




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