Nachgefragt… bei Rohan Brookes von Rudely Interrupted

Rudely Interrupted Pic 1Sex, Drugs & Rock’n’Roll…
Rohan Brookes (Guitars) – Verse 1: I am 6ft tall, and worried/I would never ever say what you’d said/I would have instantly saved your soul/In my next life, in my next life/If only I had known you’d gone/It is was so long overdue/Sex, Drugs & Rock’n’Roll, so that’s how you sooth a soul

Sorry I saw a song in there, and it’s got a flow to it, I liked it so I left it as is…

The first record in my collection…
RB – The first record in my collection, KISS Alive 2

A band worth seeing live…
RB – A band worth seeing live Eddie Current Suppression Ring

A band I would have loved to see…

RB – A band I would have loved to see, Archers of Loaf, and The Beatles

The best show we ever played…
RB – The best show we ever played, probably the UN in NYC or maybe with the Alberto Pio Orchestra in Italy

The worst show we ever played…
RB – The worst show we ever played., probably the UN in NYC, the monitors weren’t working for the show, absolute amazing but it sucked too. Rory lives with perfect pitch so he was fine, but we couldn’t enjoy the moment sonically.

The best thing in our band history…
RB – The best thing in our band history, the first show we did we played the one song three times, and didn’t get any better, 11 years later and we still love it and play ‘Don’t break My Heart’ every show we do.

The worst thing in our band history…
RB – The worst thing in our band history, once, one of our tour managers was hit by a car, and hurt pretty bad, we had to continue on the road and leave her behind, that sucked all round.

Looking back…
RB – Looking back can help you learn about your behavior and use it to influence your future to be more in the moment.

In 10 years…
RB – In 10 years’ time everyone will be wearing nappies, everyone.


Heute folgen die einleitenden Worte mal zum Schluss. Ist ja irgendwie auch passend, wenn das “Interview” gleich mal mit einem Songtexte-Zitat losgeht. Rudely Interrupted scheinen ein bisschen anders zu ticken beziehungsweise gepolt zu sein. Plus gleich Minus und Minus gleich Plus. Oder so. Einfach ein bisschen anders und ein bisschen verrückt. Gut so.



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